
she/they | Reigniting Dreamer | INFP-T | Bisexual | Artist | 27Good job on finding me, I'm glad you exist and have made it this far. Keep going!

Do not interact if any of these particularly hit a nerve with you. I'm not tolerating this. There's no reasoning these away, just read them. If you fall somewhere on these lines; don't try to interact with me. I'd rather you not.

  • Any labels I use, or what I do is offensive to you. (I'm sapphic, I'm a woman dating a woman)

  • You support pedophilia/MAPs as part of the LGBTQA+ community.

  • "Age is just a number."

  • You sexualize minors.

  • Want to impose your religion/beliefs onto others. I'm not your challenge to convert me to your religion. I believe what I want to, and I won't believe you for a second. Don't waste your time trying.

  • Bigoted Asshole; for example - homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, aphobic (aro/ace), racist, encourage pedophilia, ableist, etc.

  • You do not support Nonbinary people/openly mock them.

  • You think aro/ace, bi, or pann- need "fixed." (News flash, they don't. You do, your mind needs an update.)

  • You identify as/support quasihomosexual shit. That's fetishizing gay men, we have enough LGBTQA+ fetishization as is. It ain't cute, you're just further contributing to the alienation and fetishization of the LGBT+ to get your rocks off. Get out more, Karen.

  • You assume anything negative is directed towards you/assume I'm out to get you. I have better things to do than hyperfix on one person I don't even know that well.

  • Nihlistic/overly pessimistic/hyper-critical of everything. I got enough of that here at home, friend. Take that elsewhere, please.

  • You - a stranger - feel entitled to my time, efforts, money, or services without having done anything in return. Again, I've dealt with this before; and I'm unwilling to subject myself to that torture a second time.

  • "So what if I break it? I'll just (get myself a new one/have someone else get me a new one)." Do not understand the meaning of wealth, or rub it in other peoples' faces. Not everyone is a millionare able to afford everything under the sun that they desire.

  • You blame the victim for what happened to them (IE. "they were asking for it," "you were just a dumb kid," "the way they dressed caused them to get --", etc).

  • Refuse to hear out anyone, or are extremely spiteful. This means hearing out all sides of the story before coming to a conclusion, please!

  • Find over-stimming someone hilarious or do so on purpose. (IE. telling someone to stop, but continuing because haha that's funny.)

  • You participate in the shaming of cringe culture.

  • You hate furries.

This list is bound to be added to, because I have a way of being a magnet for trouble. Just because something's not up here, doesn't mean I'm okay with it.

Triggers/Don't Mention These
Mentions of these wind up with me dissociating, spiking my anxiety, or make me break down. These aren't jokes for you to pull to seem "funny," it's not. These can cause others or me serious harm and I'd rather not experience this shit again.
If you're someone close to me, bring these up with extreme caution as sometimes I will not be able to handle it outright and just shut down completely.

Mentions of

  • "daddy issues" or cracks at my expense regarding this.

  • s*xual abuse or neglect

  • jokes of being left behind or abandoned

  • jabs at homeless peoples' expense

  • coercion/not taking "no" for an answer

  • forced decisions, especially when it comes to people; "it's me/us or ___"

  • eye strain/eye related gore

Sound sensitivities
Yes, even if I currently work in a metal factory; these noises are beyond irritating to me. In some cases it can make me dissociate. Those in bold will be considered disassociating.

meet the dreamer

A budding witch who spends a lot of time in dead sleep, wanting to make the world a more enjoyable place to be. One piece at a time.Nickname: Mecha/May
Age: 27
Birthday: Feb 8th (aquarius)
Pronouns: she/her, they/them less preferred but not opposed.

This is the shit that I deal with on the daily.

  • Bi Polar Depression

  • Schizophrenia

  • General Anxiety Disorder

  • ADHD/autism (currently trying to get my meds)

Please Don't:
As in don't do these things, please and thank you.

  • Don't give me life/mental health advice unless I ask you outright for it, I have plenty of people that I can turn to for things regarding that.

  • Trace/Repost/Steal any of my art and claim it as your own, I understand you want clout or attention. To feel like people want to see you, but please I encourage you to be less harsh on your own art and post that instead. You'll improve in due time.

  • Kin my characters, as they do change on a whim; some get scrapped entirely. Art is a way for me to relax and try to explore things safely without interference of the bounds of reality. Some I relate to a lot of harsh memories that I'd rather not someone else remind me of.

  • Request me to draw you anything and expect me to do so, or take on artistic projects because I post art. I won't open requests, no exceptions.

  • Ask me about any advanced wiccan/pagan anything. I'd rather not feel responsible for someone else's journey that I don't know that well!

If you feel like it, I'm okay with:

  • Fanart of any of my characters! I'm just happy to inspire anyone, as that's serotonin!

  • DMs/Interactions w/me are fine, just try not to be a creep about it.

  • Offers to roleplay; as I tend to do so on Discord a lot - and are open to a lot of suggestions. Though, be warned I will geek out about my own characters as well as others'.

Or in short, things I'm obsessing over passively.

  • 3D modeling (very amateur! Inspired by wanting a custom model in VR.)

  • Bungo Stray Dogs

  • Danganronpa

  • Homestuck/Hiveswap

  • MLP FiM

  • Pokemon

  • Overwatch

  • The Sonic Series (SADX2, Sonic X, and SATAM especially),

  • Furries (hi I am one)

  • Dragons

  • Fantasy characters (D&D, Guild Wars 2, mythological creatures)

  • Attack on Titan

  • My Hero Academia

  • Mutants & Masterminds

  • Splatoon Series (2 and 3 especially)

  • Mario franchise (Yoshi's Island 2, SM64, Sunshine, Kart Double Dash and Kart 8)

  • Various Steam games

  • Crocheting

  • Knitting

  • Sewing

  • Resin/soap crafts

  • Slime making

  • Hypnosis/reality shifting

  • Baking

  • Roleplaying

art status

Art TradesSelective
Gatcha/Mystery AdoptsOpen

Here's some of the art that I'm particularly proud of - proud of enough to post them. If you want to see more of my art, there's links to my ArtFight, Twitter and

No, I don't give my Discord out to people I don't know. If I trust you enough, I'll give you it - not because you ask for it. As I've said in my About Me tab, I'm pretty damn paranoid of a lot of "stupid shit," but this is one of the ways I'm keeping myself comfortable and safe.


Here's where you can find me or some ways of getting ahold of me. My Twitter DMs are the quickest way for someone who doesn't know me to get into contact, though Twitter tends to not notify me right away of someone trying to DM me. Be patient, please.